History - Page 3

Frederick Conway Edmonds

Frederick Conway Edmonds of Lindsay, Ontario, was one of the first travelling showmen in Canada. Born in England on June 2, 1850, he had come to Canada as a young…
November 12, 2015

Burton S. Moore

Coming Soon… From Library & Archives Canada; Biography / Administrative history: Moore, Burton S: Burton S. Moore (fl. 1922-1969) was a wildlife filmmaker and inventor of a 35mm camera. His…
October 10, 2015
Frame capture from the film, The White Road. The creator of this film, George Thorne Booth, died on 7 August1957, at his summer home in Bracebridge, Ontario (see obituaries in The Canadian Film Weekly of 21 August 1957, p. 4 and the Toronto Star of 9 August 1957 pp. 19 and 39. This is the only footage known to have survived for this film.

The White Road

When The White Road first unspooled in May 1930 at Toronto’s Belsize theatre, behind Mount Pleasant cemetery, it was a six-reel silent feature. It survives as sixteen feet of 35-millimetre,…
November 12, 2011


Canadianfilm.ca seeks to celebrate, inform, and entertain its visitors through information, history, films, t-shirts, and links that celebrate the art, style, and history of the men and women that recorded our nations cinema past.