James Forrester

James Forrester was a systems administrator at OCADU in Toronto for 25 years, before returning to graduate school from 2014 to 2016 in the Public Texts program, of Trent University’s English Department. He previously graduated in History from the University of Ottawa, Film Studies at Queen’s University and Library Information Science from Western University. He also worked for Film Canada, the CFI, Canadian Review, CLA, Carleton University, the Non-Theatrical Film Fund (DSS), EMPDA, and NLC. Forrester received two Canada Council grants, which led to this research being incorporated into two books and a documentary video about pioneer film producer F. R. “Budge” Crawley of Ottawa. (James can be reached at, BMWriderCanada@gmail.com)

23 August 2022

The Loon’s Necklace summary by James Forrester

Entry for Masterworks 2001 by James Forrester for AV Preservation Trust of Canada web site (now defunct). Reposted here with permission of the author, and the current rights holder for the AV Preservation Trust of Canada: Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television (Academy.ca). The…
September 24, 2022


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