Although little known today, the 1928 Canadian movie, Saving the Sagas, is an early example of a film recording the presence of the ethnographic fieldworker...…
"All too often people dealing with history, studying history, think only of what's in a book, what's in the printed word. So, we wanted to tell people that really, there's…
November, 2022 phone interview with James Crowe, Associate Member, CSC, who purchased legendary Canadian newsreel cameraman, Roy Tash’s Eyemo in 1974. As the vintage Bell & Howell Eyemo motion picture…
This post is a showcase of the work by Klaus Linnenbruegger, a trained tool and die maker. By entering you will see a wide selection of precision film equipment specially…
"Bryant Fryer is perhaps the most prominent of the voices unheard in this ASIFA historical survey. From 1927 until 1933, Fryer produced animated films under adverse circumstances in Canada."…
Coming Soon… From Library & Archives Canada; Biography / Administrative history: Moore, Burton S: Burton S. Moore (fl. 1922-1969) was a wildlife filmmaker and inventor of a 35mm camera. His…
Reproduced courtesy Torstar Syndication Services Published in The Toronto Star, Monday, April 24, 2006 Images Credit: Dan Gibson/Library & Archives Canada He’s the man who brought the loon into your living…
Library and Archives Canada (formerly National Archives of Canada) has been tasked with collecting and preserving our nation’s historic moments since 1872. Sometimes taken for granted, the archives only captures…
June 3, 2006
Welcome! seeks to celebrate, inform, and entertain its visitors through information, history, films, t-shirts, and links that celebrate the art, style, and history of the men and women that recorded our nations cinema past.