Nass River Indians (Reconstruction)

July 22, 2021
Frame enlargement from Nass River Indians (Reconstruction). Frank Bolton (Txaa Laxhatkw of Gwinwok), singing to an infant suspended in a cradle. (Reproduced by permission of Astral Tech Inc.)


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© Lynda Jessup

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Lynda Jessup,

Please contact Dale Gervais regarding the intertitle scans and digital reconstruction, at;

Lynda Jessup

Lynda Jessup is Vice Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada, and is Director of the North American Cultural Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI,

Her research focuses on the representation and circulation of Canadian and Indigenous visual and material culture in exhibitions and in museum collections, an interest that has taken shape most recently in research located at the intersection of exhibition history and international relations. Her current research is devoted to the study of state-sponsored exhibitions of Canadian art and focusses on the ways in which nationalist art histories are deployed internationally to advance foreign policy initiatives as an operative part of increasingly post-national processes of globalization.

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