People - Page 2

A Movietone News Family

My father William James Pearson (WJPIII) and I shared the exact same name, and (by co-incidence), the same jobs in film, with the same company, and the same role path…
August 8, 2021

The History of Crawley Films

Crawley Films was spawned by a young swimmer’s wish to improve his swimming ability and the fortuitous fact that two particular families moved into neighbouring houses on the Queen Elizabeth…
December 3, 2015

Frederick Conway Edmonds

Frederick Conway Edmonds of Lindsay, Ontario, was one of the first travelling showmen in Canada. Born in England on June 2, 1850, he had come to Canada as a young…
November 12, 2015

NFB Memories

"I had occasion recently to read an account of the life and work of Louis Applebaum, who brought Dad to join the Music Department at the NFB. In it, the…
November 6, 2015

Welcome! seeks to celebrate, inform, and entertain its visitors through information, history, films, t-shirts, and links that celebrate the art, style, and history of the men and women that recorded our nations cinema past.